Sunday, September 25, 2011

Creativity in You, Your Teams and Your Companies

If your image of creativity is one of childish whimsy and unlimited possibilites then you are not far off in my book.  But kids aren't the only ones who can have all the fun.  Adults need to keep this spirit alive and not put up the blinders and barriers that responsibility and the school of hard knocks may put in our creative paths.

Do you know how creative you are?  There is a quick and easy quiz you can take at  The first step in becoming more creative is finding out where you stand right now.  After taking the quiz be brave and give us your score in the comments with some analysis of what makes you more or less creative.  Then try out some of the tools to enhancing your creativity through the simple exercises of word association, random input from this interactive fortune cookie (click on the cookie for your random message), mindmapping or try out some more advanced methods to use in a group found on mindtools or from your own search.  Lego is one company that embraces systematic creatitvity throughout their business culture, listen to members of their staff describe the work environment and think how your companies might get some inspiration for creating innovation space.


  1. My creativity quiz score was 64. Here is the analysis:

    1. Finding Problems (Preparation)Your score is 24 out of 25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation)Your score is 9 out of 10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight)Your score is 12 out of 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation) Your score is 8 out of 15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration) Your score is 11 out of 15

    I went through all of creativity enhancement tools and I find them pretty useful. I liked the following life fortune cookie message the most: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
    Henry Ford

    The company that I work in is in desperate need of creative employees. In order to get people moving (creativity wise), I think it's essential to create an environment that will secure a free approach to it meaning no matter what you come up with, it's always a win-win solution.

    What would also get the wheels in motion is an any given day during a week were all of the employees would be motivated to think of new ideas for certain processes, for new approaches to challenges, for ideas that would make our company unique on the market.

  2. My creativity quiz square was 61. Here is the analysis:
    1. Finding problems (Preparation): My score is 23 out of 25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation): My score is 7 out of 10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight): My score is 12 out of 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): My score is 9 out of 15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): My score is 10 out of 15
    I explore all suggested mind tools - essential skills for an excellent career and creativity enhancement tools, and I found them very useful and interesting for my professional aspirations in the future. Especially, I tested my leadership skills and found out my leadership and creativity qualities on very high level J .
    Power of positive thinking and attitude is a key of success, and improves quality of life. Self-confidence, positive and optimistic person can make the best of any situation; motivate people to do their best, to be creative. Emotional intelligence a soft skill builds strong and positive relationships with other people in the team. If the glass half empty or half full - we convince ourselves that we have complete control over our lives. That means that we are in a control and we can change a direction anytime we want to and fact with the challenges and turn them into opportunities. It helps us to be more creative and realize that the barriers to a good idea are truly in our heads…
    “The quality of our thinking will determinate the quality of our future” says Edward de Bono  

  3. My creativity quiz score was 60. Here is the analysis:

    1. Finding problems (preparation): My score was 21 out of 25

    2. Gathering and reflecting on information (incubation): My score was 7 out of 10

    3. Problem exploration (insight): My score was 14 out of 15

    4. Gathering and evaluating ideas (evaluation): My score was 7 out of 15

    5. Implementation : My score was 10 out of 15

    My fortune cookie said : " Work with dedication each day, do not accept the negativity around you, and you will soon leave it behind. "

    I find this subject and this blog extremely important and inspiring. This quiz actually lets us know where we stand now and its so much different when written on paper. Personally I haven't considered my self as a very creative person since my life until now never really required any creativity. Surprisingly this quiz showed me that even in this short period of time, maybe last two three years, I have done pretty well. Since currently I don't work for anyone else but my parents and myself this is a great way to develop creativity tools. Positive thinking and courage in business can open many new opportunities even though some companies here in Croatia require no creativity at all. I think creativity is also very important when dealing with people skills, relationships and colleges. We should motivate people and turn problems into opportunities,be confident, look forward and live in the moment, be positive and build quality relationships with others. This would enrich our lives and make us far more successful than we ever though we could be.

  4. My creativity quiz score was 61. Here is the analysis:

    1) Finding problems: 20/25
    2) Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation): 7/10
    3) Problem Exploration (Insight): 13/15
    4) Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): 9/15
    5) Implementation (Elaboration): 12/15

    When I was younger, I use to believe that people were born with the gift of creativity, but as I got older, I could see that I was very much mistaken. Creativity is a skill like any other and as such, it can be learned and improved by anyone. In my personal opinion, my creativity is not near the level that I would like it to be, but slowly, it’s getting there. When I have a certain problem, usually, the quality of my solution depends on how much time do I have in order to resolve that problem. For me, more time equals high quality solutions, and less time equals usually the first thing that comes to my mind (when I say less time, I mean those really stressful situations where you have to make a decision really quickly).
    I went through all of creativity enhancement tools, and I prefer the ‘interactive fortune cookie’ more than other tools, because, sometimes, in my spare time I like to read similar words of wisdom on the internet. It can be very inspiring. It’s pretty amazing how much stuff can a person learn from that. My fortune cookie text was:
    Whether you think you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right. – Henry Ford

  5. My score in quiz was 61. Here is the analysis:
    1. Finding problems: 21 out 25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information: 8 out 10
    3. Problem exploration: 14 out 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas: 9 out 15
    5. Implementation: 9 out 15

    I think that Mind Tools is very useful site. Because when I started to learn how to create a mind map and how to express my creativity, the most useful advices I found there, were in creativity tools category. I also played word association game and found out what message I got from fortune cookie-„While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us“-means. Self-confident and ambitious people look at a problem as a challenge and opportunity to express their creativity while they try to solve it. They look at it from many sides and try to solve it in a best possible way. In mine opinion, I am currently lacking self-confidence to express myself the way I want it, but in other hand, I am very ambitious and hard working woman and I know some day I will learn how to believe in myself. Einstein said: „Imagination is more important than knowledge“, but in my opinion, knowledge is a basic “tool” to help you find better and more efficient ways to solve any problem. And if you have imagination, there is no problem you cannot solve.

  6. Score: 48
    1. Finding Problems (Preparation) - 18/25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation) - 5/10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight) - 8/15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation) - 6/15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration) - 11/15

    Fortune cookie said (and it was right) - "Time is like the snowflake that on your finger lit. It disappears while you are thinking of what to do with it... --- Try to remain in the present - set goals for the future - but live now and the future will take care of itself."

    The result on this quiz wasn't that surprising to me. I already knew that I'm not very creative person, except in the last field - Implementation.

    I've already tried mindmaping in my workplace, and I have to say it has proved very successful for my job description.

    After playing word association game, I couldn't believe what words I came up with! It was great!

    In my opinion, these tools are very helpful. Not only for business, but also for your everyday life. I already bookmarked them and I'm definitely going to use them, at least I'll try them out to see how it works for me. :)

    I thought that creativity is something you are born with. But I've been wrong before. :)

  7. My score in quiz was 52.

    Here is the analysis:

    1. Finding Problems (Preparation) - 14/25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation) - 6/10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight) - 14/15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation) - 7/15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration) - 11/15

    Yes, I was expecting such a bad result, because I've never been a creative person.
    I suppose that one of the reasons for that is the environment where I grew up, by
    that I mostly mean to my family.
    I think there are a lot of useful stuff on the Mind Tools site, I especially liked the video
    about working environment in lego.

    My fortune cookie said: Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. – Henry David Thoreau--- Do that which you love, absorb yourself in it an uncommon rewards will come to you when you least expect.
    I like phrase of Henry David Thoreau, but I would like to supplement it a bit and said that if you're doing something you love you are already rewarded.

  8. My creativity quiz square was 63. Here is the analysis:

    1. Finding Problems (Preparation) - 18/25

    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation) - 8/10

    3. Problem Exploration (Insight) - 13/15

    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation) - 11/15

    5. Implementation (Elaboration) - 13/15

    My fortune cookie said:

    Time is like the snowflake that on your finger lit. It disappers while you are thinking of what to do with it.. Try to remain in the present – set goals for the future – but live now and the future will take care of itself.

    I always thought that creativity is something that you are born with, but I was wrong, a saw it in the lectures that we had and on this site. Using the mindmapping helps really a lot, and also other tools, we can functione better in our working group and in other enviroment.

    What my fortune cookie said is very right, because we are always focusing on the future, what is very important, but we focus to less on present and many good things in our live can go unnoticed.

  9. I took the creative quiz, my score was 62.
    Analysis says:

    1. Finding Problems (Preparations): 20/25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation): 10/10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight): 14/15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): 8/15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): 10/15

    Fortune Cookie has an advice for me: ″Do, or do not. There is no ‘try’″.- Joda

    According to my results I have decided to use mind mapping as a tool for enhancing my creativity.
    Mind mapping gives great overview on ones ideas or concepts.
    As it offers visual image about a key word or idea that is in one's interest, it is easy to understand and organize thoughts and knowledge about that idea.
    Creativity is enhanced by many means, having brainstorming as the main trigger. Brainstorming opens space where no right or wrong exists, and thus allows creative thoughts to expand. As well mind mapping is a great trigger for memory. For example, from our own memory we can collect information on particular idea that may no longer be present in society, technology or everyday life, or we have simply forgotten about it.
    Brainstorming and memories, that is mind mapping, help us in making decisions and solving problems, and creativity is reflected in exactly those two cognitive processes - the more solutions we can get to, the more creative we are.

    While listening to Lego experts it is very clear that the environment in which employees are respected and trusted have an overwhelming success. Organization of work enhances innovation and creativity.
    Creativity and innovation space are two of the most important. Knowing what customers want and than not exploiting it, but exploring that wish brings joy and satisfaction inside and outside the company walls. Keeping the work playful allows researchers and explorers, that is innovators, to be imaginative.
    And very important part of the whole creative lab should be experience. By experiencing the needs and wishes of customers allows company to not only manufacture and sell products, but create ideas people will need and love.

  10. My creativity quiz square was 63. Here is the analysis:
    1. Finding problems (Preparation): My score is 22 out of 25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation): My score is 6 out of 10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight): My score is 14 out of 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): My score is 9 out of 15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): My score is 12 out of 15
    I have tried out all the mind tools you have suggested for us, and I think that they are very useful. If someone is trying to get some good idea, no matter what it’s about, he or she should try this mind tools. I’m not surprised with my score. I was always a creative person. Nowadays, as well, in my free time, I like to paint. That’s my way to express creativity.

  11. My creativity quiz score was 54. Here is the analysis:

    1. Finding problems (preparation): My score 20/25

    2. Gathering and reflecting on information (incubation): My score 5/10

    3. Problem exploration (insight): My score 15/15

    4. Gathering and evaluating ideas (evaluation): My score 6/15

    5. Implementation : My score was 8/15

    Generally I was pleasantly surprised with my results because I always tought of my self as non creative person. When I analysed the results, I noticed that the quiz is very realistic.
    First, I must say that I have dealed with many similar quizzes / questionnaires and I always have the same problem, answers like „not at all“ or „very often“are very confusing because it means that I never act in particular way or that I always act in the same way without exception.
    My biggest challenge was gathering and evaluating of ideas. Definitley the best instruction was:
    „Obviously not all of the ideas you have will be practical or possible. So, as part of this step in the creativity process, you need to decide which criteria you'll use to evaluate your ideas. (Without a solid evaluation process, you'll be prone to choosing a solution that is perhaps too cautious.)“
    It’s so true. If someone is very careful in making decisions, it's me.
    I'm great in Problem Exploration. For me, every problem is a challenge and I have to solve it with complete understanding. That means looking for the causes of problems, so that I can understand what's really going on, and exploring solutions that have efect elsewhere in the past.

    My fortune cookie said :
    „Your vision will become clear only when you look your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung. --- Meditate and quality of your life will improve dramatically.“

    Maybe I will....

  12. My creativity quiz score was 60. Here is the analysis

    1. Finding problems (preparation): My score was 20 out of 25
    2. Gathering and reflecting on information (incubation): My score was 8 out of 10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight): My sore was 13 out of 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): My score was 8 out of 15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): My score was 11 out of 15

    I found my quiz level of creativity acceptable. Some people had the opportunity to brief their creative skills by catching and soaping the behavior of their family, either their character line approves them positive optimistic and creative problem solving. But environmental influences like social, political, cultural religious can also have strong affect on ones behavior. Learning is a life long process so I’m pretty much convinced that people skills can change and grow. The only prerequisite is awareness of its own strength and accepting weakness as challenge for self improvement. Therefore I found mind tools very helpful in précising ones key abilities and resources to achieve greater life and business excellence. Also to create new ideas, recording and defining them. I would highlight mind mapping as a very powerful tool and technique for getting ‘out of the box’ thinking. Extremely useful and in a variety of ways supports thinking, recording ideas and memory refreshing. Overcoming method for anyone and innovative way to enhance professional or private development. It is all about the attitude, ability to accept change and newness, and willingness to play with ideas and possibilities.

  13. My creativity quiz square was 58. Here is the analysis:
    1. Finding problems (Preparations): My score is 17 out of 25 .
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation) : My score is 6 out of 10.
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight) : My score is 12 out of 15.
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): My score is 13 out of 15.
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): My score is 10 out 15.
    At its core, creativity is the ability to see familiar things in a new light, and the first step to being more creative is training yourself to look for opportunities to improve the systems and processes around you.

  14. My creativity quiz score was 60. Analysis is:

    1. Finding Problems : 18 out of 25

    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information : 6 out of 10

    3. Problem Exploration : 15 out of 15

    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas : 12 out of 15

    This subject is very important for future in all parts of us, family,work, business, ideas.
    I must say that i am i sock, I never saw my self as a creative person so i expect less then 40.I thing creativity is very important and working on it so i right time to improve and try to use it more.
    Also one big step for forward is more believing in your creativity.

    My fortune cookie said: Your LIFE Fortune: Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. -- Balance in all things - hold to your plans but free your mind to create all that you need

    I try a mind-mapping is always surprise me how good is for work ,for people

  15. I scored 61 in the creativity quiz, here is my result:
    ‘Creativity is one of your strengths, and innovative and creative minds are highly sought after. So don't hide your ability! Look for ways to share your creativity process with others. Engage colleagues and teammates in creative pursuits, and promote creativity in your team and organization. And remember that you can always be more creative - so use the tools and discussion below to fulfill your creative potential!’
    1. Finding problems (Preparation): My score is 18 out of 25
    2. Gathering and Reflecting on Information (Incubation): My score is 8 out of 10
    3. Problem Exploration (Insight): My score is 14 out of 15
    4. Generating and Evaluating Ideas (Evaluation): My score is 7 out of 15
    5. Implementation (Elaboration): My score is 14 out of 15

    My fortune cookie said: ‘Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. - Yoda --- Repeatedly picture yourself doing whatever it is that seems most difficult at this time and you will succeed beyond your expectations when the time comes.’

    I was surprised to get this message because it was one of my life philosophies – do or do not – there is no ‘try’. This is so true for me.
    I explored the other tools and found them very useful as well.
    I find mindmapping the most interesting tool I have encountered recently - the elements of a given mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories.
    By presenting ideas in a radial, graphical, non-linear manner, mind maps encourage a brainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks. Though the branches of a mindmap represent hierarchical tree structures, their radial arrangement disrupts the prioritizing of concepts typically associated with hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. This orientation towards brainstorming encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin within a particular conceptual framework.


Future Entrepreneurs

Teaching in higher education in Croatia for almost 20 years, I have mostly been in the private sector.  But I am happy when learners re...