Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The TED Challenge

Its often hard to truly get to know students sitting in a classroom. The teacher often has the opportunity to share stories and incorporate personal passions into their lectures. In an effort to encourage students to get real with their interests, I added a TED component to their exams.

So anyone who is not aware of the TED revolution going on "ideas worth spreading" is in for a delight as I plan to share on this blog great stories of young people doing just that. In France earlier this year, I had a TED assignment where students were to find a TED video that inspired them and make a summary presentation of the idea they thought worthy of spreading. It was a marathon day of presentations that had me and the students on the edge of our seats. I will share some of the results in future blog postings throughout the summer.

Since that went so well, I added a take home part of the exam for my summer school students with a similar challenge to find and describe a ted talk. An amazing array of diverse interests across the technology, entertainment and design platforms had inspired my students. I will also pass on their favorite ted talks in the near future.

Everyday I am personally inspired by social entrepreneurs and I try to identify and support them in my community. This summer school we are devoted to clients from across sectors who want to become sustainable by developing double and triple bottom line ideas. In the spirit of that we are redefining for ourselves through debate and discussion the service these entreprises are doing to spread awareness for certain social issues not currently being addressed fully. One such issue is the use (misuse, undercapacity) of people of different abilities. Toward those ends, I share with you, as I did with my students in class today, my favorite TED inspired talk by Aimee Mullins at a 2009 TED MED conference: The opportunity of adversity


  1. One of the first TED talk I have seen was Aimee Mullins: How my legs give me super powers. After that, everything changed. I felt in love with TED, joined the TEDxZagreb crew and become a TED evangelist. I could watch Amiee's talk over and over again. So "disabled" I am!


  2. TED talk seemed very interesting to me so I decided to watch some of the videos. I was really shocked when i saw the Sunitha Krishnan video about the sex slavery. She was actually not ashamed to say that she was raped a number of times at the age of 15. Today she is a strong and independent woman who dedicated her life to rescue women and children from sex slavery. Together with other good people she embraced the victims, recognized their potential and gave them hope for a better life. It takes a lot of love, courage and understanding to do something that significant. For me, that woman is a real hero and an angel sent from above. Who said that miracles don't exist?

    Lea Mahmet


Future Entrepreneurs

Teaching in higher education in Croatia for almost 20 years, I have mostly been in the private sector.  But I am happy when learners re...